The Danone International Prize for Nutrition

Danone Institute International, a not-for-profit organization, organizes the Danone International Prize for Nutrition every 2 years with the support of the French “Fondation Recherche Médicale”. Conceived to reward excellence, this Prize is given in the spirit of very distinguished prizes and recognizes individuals or teams that have developed novel concepts and advanced the frontiers of nutrition in either basic or applied research.

Laureates are chosen after an independent, international and consultative selection procedure that guarantees transparency and objectivity.

Laureates are awarded 120,000 Euro in recognition of research studies already published as well as to support future research.

The 2011 Danone International Prize for Nutrition

The 2011 Danone International Prize for Nutrition has been awarded to Prof. Jeffery I. Gordon (Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, USA) in recognition of his outstanding contribution to scientific research on the human gut microbiome, diet and nutritional status.